815-801-3035 info@fornwil.org

Grant Guidelines

The Foundation for Northwest Illinois

Community Impact Grant Guidelines

The Foundation for Northwest Illinois is particularly interested in funding initiatives that are collaborative, inclusive and responsive to current and emerging needs of the community. We fund projects and programs that create critical impact as related to our organizational values and interconnected priorities.

Granting areas include:

  • Arts, Culture & Tourism
  • Economic Development & Rural Vitality
  • Child & Family Development (i.e., education, childcare, youth/family-related programming, etc)
  • Health & Human Services
  • Professional Development & Capacity Building

In general, grants are not awarded for the following:

  • Organizations or activities not legally recognized as charitable.
  • Organizations or activities that do not offer direct impact to the residents of Stephenson, Jo Daviess, and/or Carrol counties.
  • Funds directly to individuals or families.
  • Political Organizations or political campaigns.
  • Fraternal Organizations and Service Clubs.
  • Religious or other organizations that seek to utilize grant funds for proselytization or advocacy for any religious worldview. Faith-based organizations may be considered eligible, at the discretion of FNWIL, if the proposed project or program serves a non-sectarian purpose and serves people within Carroll, Jo Daviess and/or Stephenson County without discrimination.
  • Organizations that discriminate against any person or group in their operations or activities.
  • Grant funding that is passed through the applying organization to another.
  • Support for staff salaries, utilities, and other traditional operating expenses.
  • Budget deficits.
  • Grants to nonprofit organizations working with a fiscal agent.
  • Grants to state or multi-state nonprofits that cannot demonstrate local use and impact of funds.
  • Grants to other community foundations.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. Be a nonprofit, legally tax-exempt organization.
  2. Serve residents of Stephenson, Jo Daviess & Carroll Counties in Northwest Illinois.
  3. Serve a charitable purpose by enhancing the quality of life in areas that include: Arts, Culture & Tourism, Economic Development & Rural Vitality, Child & Family Development, Health & Human Services, and Professional Development & Capacity Building.
  4. Applying organizations must be in good business standing and, if recurring applicants, in good standing with FNWIL

Grant Funding Sources for the Annual Grant Cycle

  • Marvin • Wilson Community Impact Fund
  • Don Morse Family Community Impact Fund
  • Jane Addams Legacy Fund
  • John M. Drogosz Youth Substance Abuse Prevent/Treatment Memorial Fund
  • Luthin Family Endowment Fund
  • Dan & Nancy Schmitt Family Fund