Drogosz Grant Guidelines
Freeport Community FoundationJohn M. Drogosz Youth Substance Abuse Prevention/Treatment Memorial Fund
The John M. Drogosz Youth Substance Abuse Prevention/Treatment Memorial Fund was established in December 2010 by Dick and Marianne Drogosz, John’s parents, through their matching gift in response to the generous contributions of more than 200 donors. Grants made from this Fund will be directed to non-profit organizations with educational, prevention and/or treatment of substance abuse programs focused on helping youth ages 21 or younger in Stephenson, Jo Daviess, and Carroll Counties.
The following are the specific criteria for grants from this Fund:
- Organization must have 501(c)(3) status and serve youth in Stephenson, Jo Daviess, and Carroll Counties
- Programs or activities must focus on the education, prevention and/or treatment of substance abuse
- Programs and/or activities must focus on youth (defined as 21 or younger) in Stephenson, Jo Daviess, and Carroll Counties
- Programs must demonstrate vision, action, effectiveness, good management and quality outcomes
- Programs and/or activities should present innovative, creative and practical approaches in dealing with the education, prevention and/or treatment of substance abuse with youth
- Grants will be considered for the expansion and/or completion of a program/project that meets the above criteria
Grants will not be awarded for the following:
- Annual fund-raising drives or fund-raising expenses
- Endowments
- Capital campaigns
- Grants to individuals, fraternal organizations, bands or booster clubs
- Travel or conference expenses
- Religious purposes

The Rosecrance Foundation
Pictured, from left: Dick and Marianne Drogosz, Anne Boccignone, Rosecrance staff, Daniel Schmitt and Nancy Schmitt.
Grant proposals are reviewed and recommended by the Foundation’s Grant Committee with the full Freeport Community Foundation Board of Directors making the final grant award determinations.
The awardees will receive a letter announcing the award along with a detailed grant agreement. Once a signed grant agreement is received, the grant amount will be remitted. Follow-up reports on the results of the project or program funded are required.
If you have any questions or would like to discuss your program or project prior to submission, please contact our executive director via director@freeportcf.orgor 815-801-3035.