815-801-3035 info@fornwil.org

Freeport Art Museum (FAM) was awarded $9,665 in our 2022 Spring Grant cycle. This initiative aims to bring artists who identify as black, indigenous, or people of color (BIPOC) to exhibit their work, share knowledge, and select future artists to show at the Freeport Art Museum, working to help undo Native invisibility, address anti-Blackness, dismantle white supremacy, and advance racial justice. Self-identified BIPOC artists select work to be featured in the main galleries at the Freeport Art Museum thereby removing the ‘institutional’ selection process in favor of giving participating artists a larger voice. The inaugural project was kicked-off in the fall of 2021 with a solo show by Patrick Hammie, a respected artist, and Associate Professor of art at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Mr. Hammie agreed to work with FAM to guide and co-author the project. Together, we established an exhibitions committee comprised of 90% BIPOC individuals drawn from the Freeport community. FAM will now expand the project to include more programming delivered to area schools, youth organizations and the general public. Some of this programming includes workshops led by participating artists for youth and adults, presentations on topics related to their work, and videos and online programs to extend programs to a larger audience.  This year, Anika Kowalik, a multi-disciplinary artist from Milwaukee has been selected to become one of the featured artists for 2022. They are currently working to select another BIPOC artist to exhibit concurrently. To learn more about Freeport Art Museum, follow them on Facebook or visit them online: https://www.freeportartmuseum.com/