815-801-3035 info@fornwil.org

April is National Volunteer Month—and we appreciate volunteers! Nonprofit organizations throughout Northwest Illinois rely on volunteers to help carry out their mission on a daily basis. In our small communities, volunteers even find themselves serving in multiple roles. Nonprofit board members coach youth sports, committee members play a role in local government, and individuals who volunteer in their church’s food pantry also serve in their local museums.

What’s abundantly clear is that our community members do not hesitate to volunteer. In fact, many are wired to seek opportunities and give back to others, which ultimately makes their community a better place to live. A strong nonprofit sector depends on volunteers, and this is what makes for strong, thriving communities.

If you are still looking for the right volunteer opportunity, there are many options in Northwest Illinois. You can begin by identifying a cause that matters to you. Once you have an idea of the type of work you want to support, you can reach out to a local organization or contact The Foundation for Northwest Illinois for some direction. We can help you identify nonprofit organizations that are doing work that’s meaningful to you.

As National Volunteer Appreciation Month gets started, we want to say thank you to the many community members who give of their time, talent, and treasure to support our Northwest Illinois neighbors. We truly are a Community of Doers.